2020 and 2010 Census Blocks and Census Tracts from the US Census for New York City. These boundary files are derived from the US Census Bureau's TIGER data products and have been geographically modified to fit the New York City base map.
Use the links below to download the shapefiles and to view the metadata for New York City census geographies and data. Census geographies were generated from the 24D release of the Department of City Planning’s LION file. For previous versions see the BYTES of the BIG APPLE archive.
2020 and 2010 Census Blocks and Census Tracts from the US Census for New York City. These boundary files are derived from the US Census Bureau's TIGER data products and have been geographically modified to fit the New York City base map.
2020 and 2010 Neighborhood Tabulation Areas (NTAs) are medium-sized statistical geographies for reporting Decennial Census and American Community Survey (ACS). 2020 NTAs are created by aggregating 2020 census tracts and nest within Community District Tabulation Areas (CDTA). NTAs were delineated with the need for both geographic specificity and statistical reliability in mind. Consequently, each NTA contains enough population to mitigate sampling error associated with the ACS yet offers a unit of analysis that is smaller than a Community District.
Though NTA boundaries and their associated names roughly correspond with many neighborhoods commonly recognized by New Yorkers, NTAs are not intended to definitively represent neighborhoods, nor are they intended to be exhaustive of all possible names and understandings of neighborhoods throughout New York City. Additionally, non-residential areas including large parks, airports, cemeteries, and other special areas are represented separately within this dataset and are assigned codes according to their type (See NTAType field).
The Department of City Planning (DCP) created Community District Tabulation Areas (CDTAs) to closely approximate the 59 Community Districts of New York City for the purpose of reporting American Community Survey (ACS) data. CDTAs are built by aggregating whole 2020 census tracts.
NYC Public Use Microdata Areas (PUMAs) are statistical geographic areas defined for the dissemination of Public Use Microdata Sample (PUMS) data. PUMAs have a minimum population of 100,000, and were aggregated from census tracts.These boundary files are derived from the US Census Bureau's TIGER project and have been geographically modified to fit the New York City base map.