Step 3: Preparation of Land Use and Environmental Applications

Preparation of Land Use and Environmental Applications


In 2017, the New York City Council adopted Local Law 116 as amended by Local Law 250 (“Local Law”), requiring public space signage at all new and existing privately owned public spaces (“POPS”), as defined in the Local Law. In 2019, the Department of City Planning (“DCP”) updated the POPS logo, which now must be included on such signage.

The provision of clear, visible, and readable signage is essential to identify POPS and provide information about the POPS, such as the hours of access, required amenities, and the names of those responsible for the upkeep and maintenance of the POPS.

These illustrative POPS signage samples meet the requirements of the NYC POPS Standards and Specifications linked below. Variations are permitted if the signage complies with the requirements.
These illustrative POPS signage samples meet the requirements of the NYC POPS Standards and Specifications linked below. Variations are permitted if the signage complies with the requirements.


The term “privately owned public space” is defined in the Local Law as follows:

  1. a plaza, residential plaza, urban plaza, public plaza, elevated plaza, arcade, through block arcade, through block galleria, through block connection, open air concourse, covered pedestrian space, publicly accessible space or sidewalk widening provided for in the Zoning Resolution, now or previously in effect;
  2. such other privately owned outdoor or indoor space required to be open to the public and for which the DCP maintains a record in the privately owned public space data set accessible through the open data web portal that is linked to or successor website pursuant to New York City Administrative Code section 23-502; and
  3. such other privately owned outdoor or indoor spaces required to be open to the public pursuant to any of the following actions occurring on or after January 1, 2001:
    1. A decision, authorization, certification, or special permit issued by the City Planning Commission (the “Commission”);
    2. A certification issued by the Chairperson of the Commission (the “Chair”);
    3. A variance of the Zoning Resolution or special permit issued by the Board of Standards and Appeals; or
    4. Action taken by the City Council pursuant to section 197-d of the Charter of the City of New York.
      Such term does not include any waterfront public access areas regulated pursuant to article 6 chapter 2 of the Zoning Resolution.

Such term does not include any waterfront public access areas regulated pursuant to article 6 chapter 2 of the Zoning Resolution.

Design Review Process

A new DCP rule related to signage for POPS (“POPS Rule”) was added to Title 62 of the Rules of the City of New York in January 2020. The POPS Rule includes instructions for posting this signage. Prior to installing signage, owners must submit to DCP a signage system plan for approval. PDF Document A sample signage system plan is here. Applicants must also submit a copy of the most recently approved drawings, if any, of the privately owned public space or spaces.

Please see New York City Privately Owned Public Spaces Signage Standards and Specifications for guidance on the process.

Application Component Standards Samples/Forms
A copy of the most recently approved drawings, if any, of the privately owned public space or spaces, provided on 11x17 paper    
A plan for a signage system, prepared in accordance with the Standards and Specifications New York City Privately Owned Public Spaces Signage Standards and Specifications PDF Document Sample

Applicants may download the Privately Owned Public Spaces Signage Symbol file at DCP's Required Graphic Symbols website.

For POPS established on or after October 1, 2017, signage must include a site map, displaying the boundaries of the POPS relative to other structures on the zoning lot and adjacent streets or public ways. For further guidance on site maps, please download the DCP POPS Site Map Guidelines.

Filing with DCP

A digital copy of the signage system plan should be emailed to

At the point of submittal, a fee in the amount of $500, payable to DCP, will be charged for each privately owned public space signage design review that is not part of an application for DCP’s review of a new privately owned public space or the redesign of an existing privately owned public space pursuant to the Zoning Resolution or section 197-c of the Charter of the City of New York. 


Property owners of POPS without any previously approved signage, or with previously approved signage that does not include a statement that such space is open to the public and the hours it is open, must submit a complete package to DCP within 180 days of the effective date of the POPS Rule (which would have been by August 3, 2020, but was suspended pursuant to Emergency Executive Order No. 108, executed on April 19, 2020.).


Accessing Records

To obtain copies of records of prior approvals or drawings for a POPS, please submit a request pursuant to the Freedom of Information Law (FOIL) at NYC Open Records.


For all other questions and to submit digital copies of packages, please email