City Planning Rules

The City Planning Rules are established by the City Planning Commission (the “Commission”) or the Department of City Planning (the Department), as may be applicable, pursuant to the City Administrative Procedure Act (Chapter 45 of the Charter New York City Charter), and have been adopted in accordance with Section 1043 thereof. The City Planning Rules are located in Title 62 of the Rules of the City of New York. The City Planning Rules include rules related to: the Practice and Procedure of the City Planning Commission, the Uniform Land Use Review Procedures, Fees and Contributions, City Coastal Commission Procedures, City Environmental Quality Review, Rules for the Processing of Plans Pursuant to Charter Section 197a, Rules for the Definition of Major Concessions, Upper West Side Enhanced Commercial District Rules and Rules for the Processing of Applications for Permitted Parking Pursuant to Section 93-82 of the Zoning Resolution.

Recently Adopted Rules:
  • Notice of adoption of the proposed City Planning Commission addition of a new Type II category to exempt certain housing and related actions from review under SEQRA and CEQR procedures. The purpose of the adoption is to avoid unnecessary and time-consuming environmental analyses when the City Planning Commission considers proposed housing development up to a certain size, and accompanying small non-residential developments, where those developments will not have significant adverse environmental impacts. The adopted rule will take effect on June 3, 2024.  PDF Document Green Fast Track for Housing Rule.

  • Notice of Adoption of the proposed City Planning Commission rule modification to adjust the per square foot contribution amount that is required in conjunction with transfers of development rights from listed theaters in the Theater Subdistrict of the Special Midtown District. The adopted rule will take effect on July 15, 2022. PDF Document Theater Subdistrict Rule.

  • Notice of adoption of the proposed Department of City Planning rule to establish procedures for the queuing of applications to obtain certifications pursuant to the FRESH program regulations of Section 63-00, et seq. of the New York City Zoning Resolution (“ZR”) to obtain additional floor area for developments with fresh food stores. The purpose of the queue is to manage the even distribution of stores subject to the FRESH program and prevent their overconcentration in a given area of the City, consistent with a concurrently proposed zoning text amendment to the FRESH regulations. The Department is also adopting two corrections to Chapter 3 of its rules governing the fee structure for land use applications. The adopted rules will take effect on March 19, 2022. PDF Document FRESH II Rule.

  • Notice of adoption of the proposed Department of City Planning (“Department”)/City Planning Commission (“Commission”) rule modification to facilitate the implementation of the proposed Paperless Filing System (a/k/a “Zoning Application Portal”) for the Department and the Commission.  The adopted rule will take effect on April 20, 2018. PDF Document Paperless Filing System Rule.

  • Notice of adoption of the proposed Department of City Planning rule to provide property owners with clear instructions for posting signs at all privately owned public spaces (“POPS”) as defined by Local Law 116 of 2017, as amended by Local Law 250 of 2017. The adopted rule will take effect on February 5, 2020. PDF Document POPS Signage Rule.

  • Notice of adoption of the proposed City Planning Commission rule regarding the contribution amount for the West Chelsea Affordable Housing Fund under paragraph (c) of Section 98-262 of the New York City Zoning Resolution. The adopted rule took effect on April 21, 2018. PDF Document West Chelsea Affordable Housing Fund Rule.

  • Notice of adoption of the proposed Department of City Planning rule regarding procedures for New York City Waterfront Revitalization Program consistency review by the City Coastal Commission and the Department of City Planning, an amended Chapter 4 within Title 62 of the Rules of the City of New York. The adopted rule took effect on September 29, 2016. PDF Document Procedures for the New York City Waterfront Revitalization Program Consistency Rules

  • Notice of adoption of the proposed Department of City Planning rule to establish pre application meeting and submission requirements, a new Chapter 10 within Title 62 of the Rules of the City of New York. The adopted rule took effect on October 31, 2013. PDF Document Establishing Pre Application Meeting and Submission Requirements Rules

Special District Rules:

Access the City Planning Rules.

For more information about Rulemaking in New York City please visit the NYC Rules web site. There you can find a basic overview of New York City’s rulemaking process, notice of proposed rule changes, and the ability to comment on proposed rule changes during the statutorily required comment period, and the adopted rules.