Many other New Yorkers have high blood pressure, but don't know it.
Whole grains, fruits and vegetables are best. Avoid processed foods.
Read nutrition labels and try to limit your sodium (salt) to 2,300 mg a day.
Limit the amount
of alcohol you drink.
Women: No more than 1 drink/day.
Men: No more than 2 drinks/day.
Get moving (walking counts!) for at least 30 minutes a day, five days a week.
Quit smoking, since it increases your risk of heart attack and stroke.
Whole grains, fruits and vegetables are best. Avoid processed foods.
Read nutrition labels and try to limit your sodium (salt) to 2,300 mg a day.
Limit the amount
of alcohol you drink.
Women: No more than 1 drink/day.
Men: No more than 2 drinks/day.
Get moving (walking counts!) for at least 30 minutes a day, five days a week.
Get moving (walking counts!) for at least 30 minutes a day, five days a week.
Every day is a new opportunity to make a healthy choice. Don't give up! Working toward these goals helps you lead a longer, healthier life.
Take your medications, if prescribed. Some people stop taking their high blood pressure medications or skip doses because:
Blood pressure is measured with two numbers. It is written with one number over the other. You can check your blood pressure at the doctor, at many pharmacies or at home.
The table above is for people who have not been told they have high blood pressure. If you were already told you have hypertension, your provider can help you set a goal that is right for you.