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  City Hall Library Notes, September 2007


By Christine Bruzzese

Central Grammar School opened in 1878 in Brooklyn. Currently known as Boys and Girls High School, it is the oldest high school in New York City to begin as a public school. High schools have played an important role in New York City life preparing young people for college and careers. This article features some resources on high schools that can be explored in the City Hall Library collection.

Directory of the New York City Public High Schools: 2005-2006 provides summary descriptions of high schools, the programs offered, enrollment figures, graduation rates, etc. Sections on such topics as special needs students, program choices and selecting the appropriate school are also included. Individual maps for each borough pinpoint the exact location of the schools. Earlier editions dating back to the 1980's and 1990's can also be found in the collection and may serve as historical research aids.

Toward the 21st Century is a report prepared by the Task Force on High School Design, appointed by the Chancellor of Schools. Published in 1971, this publication outlines problem areas such as outdated curricula, lack of equal opportunity for all students and need to utilize community resources. The six problem areas are analyzed in detail then possible solutions for short and long-term improvement are presented.

The Final Report of the Chancellor's Working Group on High School Overcrowding from September 1990 details some critical issues concerning space utilization in high schools. These include administration of the schools, management of available space and building and leasing new space. Statistics on capacity are given, along with possible causes of overcrowding and recommendations to mitigate the situation.

Sharing Space: Rethinking the Implementation of Small High School Reform in New York City is a City Council report dated 2005. This publication explores the issues concerning establishment of "small schools." These schools are often part of a larger high school and designed with a small student enrollment in mind, primarily for youths in underprivileged neighborhoods. A study of thirty-four small schools and their nine host schools was conducted. The focus was on safety and utilization of space. Findings and problems are discussed along with recommendations.

Other materials such as curriculum guides, periodicals and Board of Education Annual Reports may also be helpful for the researcher. Additionally, vertical files offer articles, other clippings, booklets, etc. on high schools and related topics.

By the Way

National Hispanic Heritage Month is observed from September 15 to October 15. Explore the resources of the City Hall Library such as city agency publications, books and clippings on the contributions of Hispanic Americans to New York City life, culture and history.


The following publications were received by the City Hall Library in the past two months. Additional government publications can be found online in our Government Publications section.

July 2007

Proposed Manhattanville West Harlem rezoning and academic mixed-use development: draft environmental impact statement. Prepared for N.Y. City. City Planning Commission, June 15, 2007. (CEQR no. 06DCP032M)

Center for New York City Affairs.
Pressures and possibilities: supporting families and children at home. New York: The New School, Summer 2007.

Center for New York City Affairs.
A schoolyard in Brooklyn: strengthening families and communities through the innovative use of public space. New York: The New School, June 2007.

Furman Center for Real Estate & Urban Policy.
The benefits of business improvement districts: evidence from New York City. New York, New York University, July 2007.

Geismar, Joan.
New York Stock Exchange security and streetscape improvements: stage 1A archaeological assessment. Prepared for AKRF, Inc. November 2003.

Good Jobs New York.
Insider baseball: how current and former public officials pitched a community shutout for the New York Yankees. July 20, 2007.

Grossman, Jean, Margo Campbell and Becca Raley.
Quality time after school: what instructors can do to enhance learning. Philadelphia: Public/Private Ventures, April 2007.

N.Y. City. City Planning, Department of.
Jamaica plan: final environmental impact statement. June 29, 2007. (CEQR no. 05DCP081Q)

N.Y. City. Comptroller.
Audit report on Department of Environmental Protection controls over the issuance and depletion of credits from its reimbursable metering program. June 26, 2007. (Report no. 7782)

N.Y. City. Comptroller.
Audit report on the compliance of Wollman Rink Operations LLC with its license agreement and payment of license fees due. July 5, 2007. (Report no. 7810)

N.Y. City. Comptroller.
Audit report on pensioners of the New York City Fire Department working for the City after retirement, January 1, 2005-December 31, 2005. June 28, 2007. (Report no. 7792).

N.Y. City. Comptroller.
Audit report on the Department of Homeless Services Administration of its billing system and miscellaneous expense accounts. June 29, 2007. (Report no. 7808).

N.Y. City. Comptroller.
Audit report on Department of Youth and Community Development oversight and monitoring of Beacon Centers. June 27, 2007 (Report no. 7787).

N.Y. City. Comptroller.
Audit report on Fire Department controls over the inspection of fire alarms systems. June 29, 2007 (Report no. 7807).

N.Y. City. Comptroller.
Audit report on Little Flower Children and Family Services Foster Care contract with the Administration for Children's Services. June 27, 2007 (Report no. 7788).

N.Y. City. Comptroller.
Audit report on pedagogical pensioners of the New York City Teacher's Retirement System working for the City after retirement, January 1, 2005-December 31, 2005. June 28, 2007 (Report no. 7794).

N.Y. City. Comptroller.
Audit report on NYC pensioners working for New York State after their retirement, January 1, 2005-December 31, 2005. June 28, 2007 (Report no. 7797).

N.Y. City. Comptroller.
Audit report on New York City pensioners working as consultants for the City after retirement, January 1, 2005-December 31, 2005. June 28, 2007 (Report no. 7798).

N.Y. City. Comptroller.
Audit report on non-pedagogical pensioners of the New York City Department of Education working for the City after retirement, January 1, 2005-December 31, 2005. June 28, 2007 (Report no. 7796).

N.Y. City. Comptroller.
Audit report on pensioners of the New York City Employees' Retirement System working for the City after their retirement, January 1, 2005-December 31, 2005. June 28, 2007 (Report no. 7795).

N.Y. City. Comptroller.
Audit report on pensioners of the New York City Fire Department working for the City after retirement, January 1, 2005-December 31, 2005. June 28, 2007 (Report no. 7792).

N.Y. City. Comptroller.
Audit report on pensioners of the New York City Police Department working for the City after retirement, January 1, 2005-December 31 2005. June 28, 2007 (Report no. 7793).

N.Y. City. Comptroller.
Audit report on the administration of the 59th Street Recreation Center open-space improvements and fiduciary account by the Department of Parks and Recreation. June 26, 2007. (Report no. 7783).

N.Y. City. Comptroller.
Audit report on the compliance of Alley Pond Golf Center, Inc. with its license agreement and payment of fees due. June 27, 2007 (Report no. 7789).

N.Y. City. Comptroller.
Audit report on the compliance of Astoria Studios Limited Partnership II with its lease agreement. June 29, 2007. (Report no. 7805).

N.Y. City. Comptroller.
Audit report on the compliance of First Tee of Metropolitan New York, Inc., with its license agreement and payment of fees due. June 29, 2007 (Report no. 7804).

N.Y. City. Comptroller.
Audit report on the controls of the Department of Design and Construction over contractor-provided vehicles. June 26, 2007 (Report no. 7781).

N.Y. City. Comptroller.
Audit report on the development and implementation of the capital asset management system by the Department of Citywide Administrative Services. June 29, 2007 (Report no. 7803).

N.Y. City. Comptroller.
Audit report on the financial and operating practices of the Local 333 Insurance Fund for New York City employees. June 26, 2007 (Report no. 7784).

N.Y. City. Comptroller.
Audit report on the financial and operating practices of the Local 333 Retirement Insurance Fund for New York City retirees. June 26, 2007 (Report no. 7785).

N.Y. City. Comptroller.
Audit report on the financial and operating practices in the Manhattan Borough President's office. June 26, 2007 (Report no. 7779).

N.Y. City. Comptroller.
Audit report on the financial and operating practices of the New York County Public Administrator's Office. June 27, 2007 (Report no. 7790).

N.Y. City. Comptroller.
Audit report on the licensing and oversight of the carriage-house industry by the Departments of Health and Mental Hygiene and Consumer Affairs. June 27, 2007 (Report no. 7791).

N.Y. City. Comptroller.
Audit report on the monitoring and tracking of special education services for elementary school students by the Department of Education. June 29, 2007 (Report no. 7802).

N.Y. City. Comptroller.
Audit report on the New York Yankees rental credits for the third quarter of 2006 (July 1-September 30, 2006). June 29, 2007 (Report no. 7800).

N.Y. City. Comptroller.
Audit report on the oversight by the Department of Youth and Community Development on the immigrant special initiative contracts. June 26, 2007 (Report no. 7780).

N.Y. City. Comptroller.
Audit report on the purchasing and inventory practices of the Office of the Public Advocate. June 29, 2007 (Report no. 7809).

N.Y. City. Comptroller.
Audit report on the Samaritan Village contract with the Department of Correction to operate the Rikers Island Discharge Enhancement Program. June 26, 2007 (Report no. 7786).

N.Y. City. Comptroller.
Comptroller's comments on the adopted budget for fiscal year 2008 and the financial plan for fiscal years 2008-2011. July 2007.

N.Y. City. Comptroller.
Follow-up audit report on the other than personal services expenditures of schools within the Department of Education Regional Operations Center for Regions 3 and District 75. June 29, 2007 (Report no. 7799).

N.Y. City. Comptroller.
Follow-up audit report on the other than personal services expenditures of schools within the Department of Education Regional Operations Center for Regions 9 and 10. June 29, 2007 (Report no. 7801).

N.Y. City. Comptroller.
Follow-up audit report on the processing of client's permanent housing applications by the HIV/AIDS Services Administration of the Human Resources Administration. June 29, 2007 (Report no. 7806).

N.Y. City. Council. Finance Committee.
An inquiry into the health risks of congestion pricing on the outer-boroughs: interim report. July 15, 2007.

N.Y. City. Finance, Department of.
Annual report on tax expenditures. Fiscal year 2007.

N.Y. City. Independent Budget Office.
Library funding: subsidies rebound, disparities remain. (IBO Fiscal Brief) July 2007.

N.Y. City. Independent Budget Office.
New welfare rules may be costly for the City. (IBO Fiscal Brief) July 2007.

N.Y. City. Landmarks Preservation Commission.
Crotona Play Center: designation report. June 26, 2007 (Designation list 393)

N.Y. City. Landmarks Preservation Commission.
Crotona Play Center Bath House interior. June 26, 2007 (Designation list 393)

N.Y. City. Landmarks Preservation Commission.
486 Greenwich Street House: designation report. July 24, 2007 (Designation list 394).

N.Y. City. Landmarks Preservation Commission.
488 Greenwich Street House: designation report. June 24, 2007. (Designation list 394).

N.Y. City. Landmarks Preservation Commission.
Frederick C. and Birdsall Otis Edey residence: designation report. July 24, 2007 (Designation list 394).

N.Y. City. Landmarks Preservation Commission.
Henry Seligman residence: designation report. July 24, 2007. (Designation list 394).

N.Y. City. Landmarks Preservation Commission.
McCarren Play Center: designation report. July 24, 2007 (Designation list 394).

N.Y. City. Landmarks Preservation Commission.
Sunnyside Gardens Historic District: designation report. June 26, 2007. (Designation list 393).

N.Y. City. Landmarks Preservation Commission.
Sunset Play Center: designation report. June 24, 2007 (Designation list 394).

N.Y. City. Landmarks Preservation Commission.
Sunset Play Center Bath House first floor interior: designation report. July 24, 2007 (Designation list 394).

N.Y. City. Landmarks Preservation Commission.
Thomas Jefferson Play Center: designation report. July 24, 2007. (Designation list 394)

N.Y. City. Management and Budget, Office of.
Expense, revenue, contract: adopted budget fiscal year 2008. With supporting schedules. 2008.

NYPIRG Straphangers Campaign.
State of the subways report card. Summer 2007.

New Yorkers for Parks.
The report card on beaches 2007: an independent assessment of New York City's public beaches. New York, 2007.

N.Y. State. Assembly. Committee on Corporations, Authorities and Commission.
An inquiry into congestion pricing as proposed in PlaNYC 2030 and S. 6068: interim report. July 9, 2007.

N.Y. State. Financial Control Board.
Review of FYs 2008-2011 financial plan. July 19, 2007.

Regional Plan Association.
An evaluation of alternatives to the New York City congestion pricing plan. New York, July 2007.

United States Government Accountability Office.
September 11: HHS needs to ensure the availability of health screening and monitoring for all responders. Report to Congressional requesters. July 2007.

August 2007

Burnstein, Daniel Eli.
Next to godliness: confronting dirt and despair in progressive era New York City. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2006.

Center for an Urban Future.
A bumpy ride: cultural trolleys hold great promise in raising the profile of arts institutions outside of Manhattan. August 2007.

Center for an Urban Future.
Work in progress: four years after Mayor Bloomberg moved to remake workforce development in New York City, much has been accomplished... June 2007.

The New School. Center for New York City Affairs.
A schoolyard in Brooklyn: strengthening families and communities through the innovative use of public space. June 2007.

City University of New York. Board of Trustees.
Proceedings 2006. [2007]

N.Y. City. City Planning, Department of.
Consolidated plan: annual performance report 2006. Effective as of June 29, 2007.

N.Y. City. Civilian Complaint Review Board.
Status report, January – December 2006. June 2007.

N.Y. City. Comptroller.
More hassle than it's worth: problems with the city's M/WBE Program. July 2007.

N.Y. City. Comptroller.
Limited access: problems with ACCESS NYC. August 2007.

N.Y. City. Comptroller.
Putting the brakes on the bus and subway fare: options for eliminating fare increases in 2008 and 2009. Policy report. August 2007.

N.Y. City. Council. Middle School Task Force.
Report. 2007.

N.Y. City. Independent Budget Office.
Are city vocational education high schools being left behind. August 2007. (IBO Fiscal Brief)

N.Y. City. Investigation, Department of.
A Department of Investigation examination of eleven child fatalities and one near fatality. A joint report with the Administration for Children's Services. August 2007.

N.Y. City. Landmarks Preservation Commission.
Highbridge Play Center: designation report. August 14, 2007. (Designation List 395) (LP-2237).

N.Y. City. Public Advocate.
Public Advocate Betsy Gotbaum's guide to senior services in New York City. August 2007.

N.Y. City. Public Advocate.
The Public Advocate's guide to the summer program in New York City / Guia de la defensora publica sobre el programa comidas gratis durante vernano en la cuidad de Neuva York. July 2007.

Northeast Climate Impacts Assessment.
Confronting climate change in the U.S. Northeast: science, impacts, and solutions. Cambridge, MA, UCS Publications, July 2007.

Schuyler Center for Analysis and Advocacy.
Growing up in New York: 2007 update. Albany, NY, 2007.

Urban Transportation Caucus.
Urban transportation report card. August 2007.

Wagner, Peter, et al.
Phantom constituents in the Empire State: how outdated census bureau methodology burdens New York counties. Northampton, MA: Prison Policy Initiative, July 18, 2007.

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