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  City Hall Library Notes, October 2010


By Christine Bruzzese

Various agencies have provided services to the young people of New York City such as after school activities, community outreach and employment among others. This article features some publications of different youth services agencies from the 1950s to the present.

Juvenile Delinquency Rates and Socio-Economic Characteristics for New York City: a Manual for Social Research was prepared by the Research Department of the New York City Youth Control Board in 1954. It offers information on juvenile delinquency statistics by health areas in New York City. Also included is data on population, income and housing.

Mandate for Youth discusses the work of the New York City Youth Board from 1947 to 1967. The formation and the various programs of the Youth Board are described. The main focus was on preventing juvenile delinquency and encouraging young adults to stay in school.

In 1995, the Department of Youth Services offered A New Direction in Youth Services, written by Commissioner Alfred B. Curtis, Jr. This policy paper presents some goals and objectives for future management of the agency.

Department of Youth and Community Development became a charter agency in 1996 by Local Law. The agency's Annual Report presents financial information, highlights of accomplishments for the year and description of organization and programs. DYCD is also active in the Interagency Coordinating Council on Youth, as stipulated in the City Charter. The Annual Report for ICC summarizes the quarterly meetings held and discusses the various contributions of the participating agencies in offering assistance to the city's young people.

Vertical and biographical files may also be of use to the researcher.

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