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  City Hall Library Notes, October 2009


By Christine Bruzzese

There are many significant issues involved in child welfare. Among the key concerns are physical and mental health of children. This article highlights some resources in the City Hall Library collection that focus on children's health.

School Health News was published by the New York City Department of Health from 1915 to 1925. Appearing monthly during the school year, this newsletter features information on contagious diseases among children, preventive care, dental health, nutrition, etc. Other historical publications such as the Reprint series include articles and monographs on child health and hygiene from the early 1900's to the 1950's.

The Future of Child Health in New York City was prepared by the Mayor's Commission on the Future of Child Health for the Department of Health in 1989. The Commission considers a number of key issues such as available programs and services, utilization of these services, financing, problems with the current system and ideas for improvement. The study largely concentrates on the underprivileged. Statistical tables and charts supplement the text.

Lead & Kids: Why are 30,000 NYC Children Contaminated? was published by the Public Advocate's Office in 1998. This report discusses the severity and extent of lead poisoning among children in New York City. The primary causes of lead poisoning are presented as well as the effects on children and families. Recommendations for preventing lead poisoning through landlord responsibility and legislative action are given.

Still in Crisis: the Health Status of New York's Homeless Children was written by Irwin Redlener, MD and Dennis Johnson for the Children's Health Fund in 1999. The problems of homeless children including higher incidence of disease, lack of regular pediatric care, scarcity of health services available, etc. are considered. Statistics are presented to support the authors' ideas. Possible solutions for alleviating this crisis are presented.

Other materials of interest include vertical files on children's health, diseases, child welfare and more.

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