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  City Hall Library Notes, October 2004


Election Day is approaching, November 2 to be exact. There are many choices to make that will affect the voters for years to come. The City Hall Library includes many resources on elections for the researcher, interested voter or anyone else just curious. This article provides just a small sample of what can be discovered.

The New York City Board of Elections has issued annual reports for 1909 to 1969 and 1987 to 2001.Results of all New York City elections that took place that year are published and the statistics for all candidates including minority parties are given. This report might be a good place to find out who won the election for Queens Borough President in 1933, for example. Also, the City Record published Official Canvass of Votes, from the early twentieth century to the 1970’s, which organizes voting statistics for each year’s election by county, type of election and districts. National as well as state and local races are covered. Useful information on voter registration and turnout may be found. Actual lists of registered voters from 1965 to 1975 by borough and Assembly District can be located in the collection, too.

Citizens Union publishes a Voter’s Directory for each yearly primary and general election. The Library keeps these directories from 1953 to the present. Background is given on all candidates and ballot proposals such as bond issues, along with Citizens Union recommendations. Election district maps are also printed. The Library also has various historical election maps in its collection, dating from the nineteenth century to the present.

Election maps from 1960 to 1998 can be accessed in the file drawers in the main reference room.

Vertical files feature newspaper and magazine articles on elections and election results dating back to the 1960’s. Not only city and state but Presidential elections are covered and newspapers like the New York Times, Daily News and discontinued papers such as the New York Herald Tribune are represented. These files also include background articles on the elections.

Another excellent source is the Politics vertical files. Not only are there newspaper and magazine articles about candidates and elected officials but you can also find original campaign literature. In 1961, Robert Wagner appealed to minority voters in English and Spanish to vote for him in the primary election for Mayor. The original flyers are here. Also, there is a Robert F. Kennedy for Senator Poster and a packet of campaign materials from John Lindsay in 1969.

For background on the municipal election of 1989 which brought David Dinkins, the first African-American Mayor to power, there is Changing New York City Politics by Asher Arian, Arthur S. Goldberg, John H. Mollenkopf and Edward T. Rogowsky. The authors explore the background of the Mayoral campaign and election and try to analyze the key issues in the election.


The following publications were received by the City Hall Library in the month of September. Additional government publications can be found online in our Government Publications section.

AKRF, Inc., et al.
IKEA Redhook: final environmental impact statement. August 27, 2004 (CEQR No. 03DCP041K)

Baim, Earl J., P.E.
September 11, 2001: a personal account as witnessed by civil engineer at the St. George Ferry Terminal, Staten Island, N.Y. 2002.

Bernardin, Tom.
The Ellis Island immigrant cookbook. Arlington, TX: University of Texas Arlington Press, 1991.

Citizens Union.
Voter directory: primary election. September 14, 2004.

CITY/SCAPE: Cultural Resource Consultants.
Block 595, Lots 66 & 68, 328 Spring Street, & 489 Washington St., Manhattan: response to Board of Standards and Appeals. Prepared for Sheldon Lobel, PC. July 2001.

CITY/SCAPE: Cultural Resource Consultants.
Block 2030, 3032 Carlton Avenue, Brooklyn, NY: stage 1A literature review and sensitivity analysis. Prepared for J. Randazzo, c/o Petraro & Jones, LLP. February 2004.

Dolfman, Michael L. and Solidelle F. Wasser.
9/11 and the New York City economy. (Reprint from Monthly Labor Review, Vol. 127, no. 6 (June 2004).

Geismar, Joan H.
Reconstruction of the Washington Square Arch..., Washington Square Park, Manhattan: archaeological dry well monitoring. Prepared for N.Y.C. Dept. of Parks and Recreation. April 2004.

Good Jobs New York.
LMDC: they're in the money; we're in the dark. A review of the Lower Manhattan Development Corporation's use of 9/11 funds. August 2004.

Greenhouse Consultants Incorporated.
Phase 1B archaeological survey Brookside Loop Development, Staten Island, NY. Prepared for FSKPage Construction Corp. April 2004.

Henningson, Durham & Richardson.
Commercial Waste Management Study: consolidated executive summaries, vols. 1-6. Prepared for N.Y. City Department of Sanitation. March 2004.

Historical Perspectives, Inc.
Methodist Episcopal Cemetery intensive documentary study, Second Avenue New York, NY: Second Avenue Subway. December 2003.

Historical Perspectives, Inc.
Phase 1A documentary study: Queens Crossing mixed use development project site: Flushing, NY. Prepared for Urbitran Associates, Inc. March 2004.

Historical Perspectives, Inc.
St. Philips Episcopal Church Cemetery intensive documentary study, Chrystie Street, New York, NY: Second Avenue Subway. Prepared for Allee King Rosen and Fleming, Inc. June 2003.

Historical Perspective, Inc.
St. Stephens Church and Cemetery intensive documentary study, Chrystie Street, New York, NY: Second Avenue Subway. Prepared for Allee King Rosen & Fleming, Inc. December 2003.

Historical Perspectives, Inc.
Shearith Israel Cemetery intensive documentary study St. James Place, New York, NY: Second Avenue Subway. December 2003. Prepared for Allee King Rosen & Fleming, Inc.

John Milner Associates, Inc.
After Sullivan Street: archaeological investigations at 81-85 West Third Street, New York University Law School expansion, New York, NY. Prepared for N.Y. Univ. School of Law. Nov. 2003

John Milner Associates, Inc.
Archaeological investigations on Block 457, Lot 1 (formerly 4 E. First St.) Proposed Extra Place Apartments, N.Y., N.Y. Prepared for Phipps Houses. June 2004.

John Milner Associates, Inc.
Phase 1A/1B cultural resources survey of the General Grant National Memorial...Riverside Drive, N.Y. Prepared for National Park Service Center, Denver. August 2004.

John Milner Associates, Inc.
Phase 1B archaeological survey: proposed Tuscan Garden and Vineyards, Snug Harbor Cultural Center, S.I., NY. Prepared for N.Y.C. Dept. of Parks and Recreation. May 2004, Rev. June 2004

Louis Berger & Associates, Inc.
Archaeological test pit excavations: Whitehall Ferry Terminal Project, New York, NY. Prepared for N.Y. City Economic Development Corporation.... January 2000 (Final).

Manhattan. Borough President.
1998 strategic policy: fulfilling the promise of Manhattan for all. September 1998.

Manhattan. Borough President.
2002 strategic policy statement: Manhattan post 9/11. September 2002.

NYPIRG Straphangers Campaign.
Third annual "pokey" award to slowest city buses. September 23, 2004.

N.Y. City. City Planning, Department of, and Citywide Administrative Services.
Citywide statement of needs for city facilities / fiscal years 2005 and 2006. 2004.

N.Y. City. Comptroller.
Audit report on the building information system of the Department of Buildings. September 27, 2004. (Report no. 7606)

N.Y. City. Council.
Adding insult to injury: no school nurse available. June 2004.

N.Y. City. Council.
Fair or foul? New York City public schools. June 21, 2004.

N.Y. City. Council.
Emergency contraception: available at a hospital emergency room near you? April 2004.

N.Y. City. Council.
Emergency contraception: available at your city health clinic? May 2004.

N.Y. City. Council.
Expanding digital opportunity in New York City public schools: profiles of the innovators and leaders who make a difference. June 2004.

N.Y. City. Council.
Ready or not? New York City emergency preparedness summit. Briefing paper. May 10, 2004.

N.Y. City. Council.
NYCHA housing: access granted. June 2004.

N.Y. City. Council.
Swimming in trash? A look into cleanliness at NYC beaches. August 2004.

N.Y. City. Council.
Tax preparers: still taking advantage by not disclosing. April 2004.

N.Y. City. Council.
Teacher attrition and retention: a staff report of the New York City Council Investigation Division. May 2004.

N.Y. City. Council.
Transitional and emergency AIDS housing: in urgent need of repair. June 2004.

N.Y. City. Council.
Underfunding urban America: how the federal government short changes New York City, Chicago & Los Angeles. August 29, 2004.

N.Y. City. Council.
Revenue notes: as earned income tax credit for New York City. July 2004.

N.Y. City. Council.
Revenue notes: a strong end to fiscal 2004. August 2004.

N.Y. City. Deputy Mayor for Economic Development and Rebuilding.
Sea View Senior Living Project, Staten Island, NY: draft environmental impact statement. March 2004 (CEQR No. 02DME006R)

N.Y. City. Deputy Mayor for Economic Development and Rebuilding.
Sea View Senior Living Project, Staten Island, NY: final environmental impact statement. June 2004. (CEQR No. 02DME006R)

N.Y. City. Education, Department of.
Class of 2000 final longitudinal report: a three-year follow-up study. March 2004.

N.Y. City. Education, Department of.
Class of 2003 four year longitudinal report and 2002-2003 event dropout rates. March 2004.

N.Y. City. Education, Department of.
Evaluation of the New York City Department of Education summer school 2003 program. October 2003.

N.Y. City. Education, Department of.
2003 ranking of elementary and middle schools by English language arts achievement with similar school achievement comparisons. March 2004.

N.Y. City. Health and Mental Hygiene, Department of.
Health disparities in New York City: a report. 2004.

N.Y. City. Independent Budget Office.
Despite recession, welfare reform and labor market changes limit public assistance growth. August 2004. (IBO Fiscal Brief)

N.Y. City. Independent Budget Office.
High school overcrowding eases, but 75% of students still in schools over capacity. (IBO Inside the Budget) September 7, 2004.

N.Y. City. Interagency Coordinating Council on Youth(ICC).
Annual report fiscal year 2003.

N.Y. City. Landmarks Preservation Commission.
(Former) Long Island Headquarters of the New York Telephone Company. Sept. 21, 2004. Designation list 356.

N.Y. City. Public Advocate.
Crowded classes: how 4th 5th and 6th graders are left behind. October 1, 2002.

N.Y. City. Public Advocate.
All work and no play: a survey of access to physical activity in New York City public elementary schools.... March 2004.

N.Y. City. Public Advocate.
The cold shoulder: NYC's poor get short-changed on heating assistance. February 2004.

N.Y. City Public Advocate.
Failed by the system: a review of preventable child fatalities in the child welfare system. January 2004.

N.Y. City. Public Advocate.
Families at risk: a report on New York City's child welfare services. December 9, 2002.

N.Y. City. Public Advocate.
Inequitable enforcement: the crisis of housing code enforcement in New York City. With the Association for Neighborhood and Housing development, Inc. September 29, 2003.

N.Y. City. Public Advocate.
New York City hunger hotline: service leave callers empty handed. May 2004.

N.Y. City. Public Advocate.
Out in the cold: NYC does not get its fair share of heating assistance. January 2004.

N.Y. City. Public Advocate.
The Public Advocate: solving everyday problems: annual report 2001-2002. November 11, 2002.

N.Y. City. Public Advocate.
Still waiting for your call...: a follow-up survey of New York City Department of Education Parent Coordinators. July 2004.

N.Y. City. Public Advocate.
When the lights go out in New York City...: a survey of New York City senior centers by the Office of the Public Advocate. November 2003.

New York City Transit Riders Council.
Hit or miss...: a survey of New York City subway stations. August 2004.

N.Y. City. Sanitation, Department of.
Commercial waste management study: draft scope of work for public comment and related documents. March 3, 2003.

N.Y. City. Sanitation, Department of.
Commercial Waste Management Study: final scope of work. July 31, 2003.

N.Y. City. Sanitation, Department of.
Commercial Waste Management Study request for information: new and emerging solid waste management and recycling technologies and approaches. March 31, 2004.

N.Y. City. Sanitation, Department of.
Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan: SEQRA/CEQR environmental assessment statement and notice of determination (positive declaration). May 2, 2002.

N.Y. City. Sanitation, Department of.
Draft scoping document for the City of New York Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan: draft environmental impact statement. May 2004.

N.Y. City. Sanitation, Department of.
Reengineering initiatives 1994-2001. [2002]

N.Y. City. Sanitation, Department of.
Request of expressions of interest to provide waste disposal capacity. February 2, 2004.

N.Y. City. Sanitation, Department of.
Request for proposals to accept, process and market NYC recyclables. July 31, 2003.

N.Y. City. Sanitation, Department of.
Request for proposals to accept, process and market NYC recyclables. Addenda one and two. September 2003.

N.Y. State. Comptroller.
Current trends in the New York City economy. September 2004. (Report 6-2005)

N.Y. State. Comptroller.
Energy cost reduction at Mitchell-Lama Housing developments: New York City Housing Preservation and Development. Sept. 16, 2004. (Report 2003-N-2)

N.Y. City. Comptroller.
Second follow-up audit on Department of Education internal controls over its data center. September 27, 2004. (Report no. 7607)

N.Y. State. Comptroller.
Selected payroll practices George Motchan Detention Center: New York City Department of Correction. September 23, 2004. (Report 2003-N-6)

Panamerican Consultants, Inc.
Phase 1A Jamaica Bay Islands Ecosystem Restoration Project, Brooklyn (Kings) and Queen County, N.Y.: final report. Prepared for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.... June 2004.

Philip Habib & Associates.
Archaeological assessment report: phase 1A Greenpoint-Williamsburg rezoning. 2 parts. Prepared for N.Y. City Dept. of City Planning. April 2004.

Public Archaeology Laboratory.
Phase 1A and phase 1B archaeology field investigation: Hamilton Grange National Memorial Site and St. Nicholas Park, N.Y., N.Y. Prepared for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. May 2004.

Urbitran Associates, Inc.
New York City Comprehensive Commercial Waste Management Study: preliminary report. June 2002.

Schaller Consulting.
The changing face of taxi and limousine drivers: U.S., large states and metro areas and New York City. July 6, 2004.

Schaller Consulting.
Higher pay, safer cabbies: an analysis of the relationship between driver incomes and taxi crashes in New York City. Prepared for Transportation Alternatives. January 2004.

Schaller Consulting.
Mode shift in the 1990s: how subway and bus ridership outpaced the auto in market share gains in New York City. August 8, 2001.

Schaller Consulting
The New York Taxicab fact book. June 2004.

Schaller Consulting.
Taxi and livery crashes in New York City, 1990-1999. February 28, 2001.

Staten Island. Borough President.
Strategic policy statement, 1998.

U.S. Geological Survey.
Water resources data New York water year 2003. Volume 2, Long Island. 2004.

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
[Inspection of Manhattan College Zero Power Reactor, conducted April 8 and 9, 2004. April 26, 2004.]

Winpenny, Thomas R.
Manhattan Bridge: the troubled story of a New York monument. [2004?]

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