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  City Hall Library Notes, May 2008


By Christine Bruzzese

Since the seventeenth century, Jews have been an integral and influential part of New York City life. They have contributed greatly to politics, the arts, commerce and many other areas. In honor of Jewish American Heritage Month, this article focuses on some publications in the City Hall Library about Jewish people, culture and life.

Herbert H. Lehman and His Era by Allan Nevins is a biography of Herbert Lehman, Governor of New York State from 1933 to 1942. Beginning with Lehman's early days growing up in New York City, the book chronicles his career in public service. Lehman served as Lieutenant Governor of New York State under Franklin D. Roosevelt. When FDR chose to run for President, Lehman successfully campaigned for the gubernatorial office. Lehman's distinguished career as Governor, head of the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA) during World War II and U.S. Senator from New York State (1950-56) is presented here along with a personal history. Lehman was born in 1878 and died in 1963.

Our Crowd: the Great Jewish Families of New York City by Stephen Birmingham chronicles the rise of the great Jewish banking families of New York City. These include the Guggenheims, Warburgs, Goldmans and Lewisohns among others. The origins of these families, their rise to prominence, business successes and contributions to the arts and culture are examined. Personal letters, diaries and interviews were used as the main sources. Individuals such as Joseph Seligman, August Belmont, Peggy Guggenheim and Adolph Lewisohn are portrayed.

Lillian Wald: Angel of Henry Street by Beryl Williams profiles the reformer who helped establish the Henry Street Settlement House. Born in Rochester, New York in 1867, Wald trained as a nurse in New York City. Wald's experiences as a public health nurse led to her becoming active in social work. In addition to overseeing the Henry Street Settlement House, she worked for reforms in health care, education and children's services. She died in 1940.

The Synagogues of New York's Lower East Side features photographs by Jo Renee Fine and text by Gerald R. Wolfe. This is a collection of photos of interiors and exteriors of various synagogues. Explanatory text provides information on each building and historical background on the Jewish community of the Lower East Side.

Check the biographical files for articles and other clippings on famous Jewish New Yorkers such as Ed Koch, Abraham Beame, Bess Myerson, Barbaralee Diamonstein-Spielvogel and many others. Vertical files include materials such as newspaper articles on related topics.


The following publications were received by the City Hall Library in the past month. Additional government publications can be found online in our Government Publications section.

Coalition for the Homeless.
State of the homeless 2008. Running in place: the Bloomberg Administration's failure to change course amidst rising homelessness. March 27, 2008.

Community Service Society and United Way of New York City.
Mapping poverty in New York City; pinpointing the impact of poverty, community by community, [2008]

Ethan C. Eldon Associates, Inc.
Hospital for Special Surgery Expansion: draft environmental impact statement. (CEQR No. 05DCP061M) April 4, 2008. 3 vols.

Fiscal Policy Institute.
Re-thinking the New York City business tax treatment of private equity fund and hedge fund "carried interest". April 15, 2008.

Manhattan Borough President.
Crowded out: school construction fails to keep up with Manhattan building boom. April 2008.

N.Y. City. City Planning, Department of.
Community district needs: fiscal year 2009. (Five boroughs). 2008.

N.Y. City. City Planning, Department of.
125th Street Corridor rezoning and related areas: final environmental impact statement. (CEQR No. 07DCP030M) February 29, 2008. 2 vols.

N.Y. City. City Planning, Department of.
Proposed consolidated plan: annual performance report 2007. Effective as of March 12, 2008 and as of April 7, 2008.

N.Y. City. City Planning, Department of.
Proposed consolidated plan: annual performance report 2007. Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing statement. Effective as of March 12, 2008 and as of April 7, 2008.

N.Y. City. City Planning, Department of.
Proposed consolidated plan: annual performance report 2007. Community Development Block Grant Program. Addenda, and appendices A, B, C. (Vol. II) January 1, 2007 to December 31, 2007 and Appendix Vol. III - HUD's Integrated Disbursement and Information System (IDIS)(Parts A, B)

N.Y. City. Commission on Human Rights.
2007 annual report. 2008.

N.Y. City. Comptroller.
Audit report on the compliance of the Child Development Support Corporation with its Administration for Children's Services preventative service agreements. March 24, 2008. (Report no. 7827)

N.Y. City. Comptroller.
Audit report on the compliance of Circle Line-Statue of Liberty Ferry, Inc. with its license agreement and payment of fees due. April 14, 2008. (Report no. 7828)

N.Y. City. Comptroller.
Audit report on the compliance of Graham Windham with foster and child care payment regulations, July 1, 2001-June 30, 2002. March 24, 2008 (Report no. 7825)

N.Y. City. Comptroller.
Audit report on the monitoring of the award, transfer, and succession of Mitchell-Lama apartments by the Department of Housing Preservation and Development. March 24, 2008. (Report no. 7826)

N.Y. City. Independent Budget Office.
311 Customer Service Center: more calls and a growing budget. (IBO Fiscal Brief) April 2008.

N.Y. City. Law Department.
Annual report 2007. 2008.

N.Y. City. Mayor.
PLaNYC: progress report 2008.

N.Y. City. Public Advocate.
Get more for your money: guide to banking in New York City. April 2008.

N.Y. City. Public Advocate.
Is anybody listening? A follow-up survey of New York City Department of Education parent coordinators. April 2008.

N.Y. City. Public Advocate.
Sharing old age: alternative senior housing options. March 2008.

N.Y. City. Sanitation, Department of.
Annual report 2007. 2008.

N.Y. City. Workforce Investment Board.
Executive Committee meeting, December 5, 2007. [2008]

N.Y. City. Workforce Investment Board.
Quarterly meeting, December 12, 2007. [2008]

N.Y. City. Workforce Investment Board.
Quarterly meeting, March 12, 2008. [2008].

N.Y. City. Workforce Investment Board.
Workforce Investment System local plan 2005-2008. [2008]

New York League of Conservation Voters Education Fund.
Building a greener future: a progress report on New York City's sustainability initiatives. 2008.

NYPIRG Straphangers Campaign.
Shmutz survey 2007: subway car cleanliness improved slightly between 2005 and 2007.

Schmitt, John.
Unions and upward mobility for African-American workers. April 2008.

STV Incorporated/Urbitran Associates, a Joint Venture.
Columbia Street area, south of Hamilton Avenue, Brooklyn, New York: preliminary design report. March 2008. Also Technical Supplement, 2 vols.

United Federation of Teachers.
Class size and the contract for excellence: are we making progress in NYC's public schools? April 28, 2008.

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