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  City Hall Library Notes, March 2007


By Christine Bruzzese

Since 1978, the U.S. Congress has designated March as Women's History Month. The City Hall Library contains a diverse collection of resources on women who have played significant roles in New York City politics, history and culture.

Belle Moskowitz: Feminine Politics & the Exercise of Power in the Age of Alfred E. Smith by Elisabeth Israels Perry profiles the woman who served as New York State Governor Alfred E. Smith's strategist and campaign manager. Born in East Harlem to immigrant parents, Moskowitz was active as a social worker and reformer in the early twentieth century. Through her work as a member of women's political organizations, she met Alfred E. Smith, organized his campaign to appeal to women voters and became his chief public relations person. Belle Moskowitz died in 1933 at the age of fifty-five.

Emma Lazarus: Woman with a Torch by Eve Merriam is the story of the woman who wrote the poem inscribed at the base of the Statue of Liberty. Part of a middle-class Jewish family in New York City, Lazarus displayed an early talent for writing and languages. Through her poetry, articles and other writing, she became a spokesperson and advocate, for immigrants and poor people. Lazarus died in 1887 at the age of thirty-eight.

Detective Marie Cirile: Memoirs of a Police Officer by Marie Cirile describes the experiences of a police officer from the 1950's to the 1970's. During a time when "policewomen" were not given many opportunities for advancement, Cirile became a pioneer as one of the first to work on the NYPD Burglary Squad. This book details some of her adventures and the frustrations encountered and offers Cirile's ideas for change in the Police Department.

Battle to Succeed: Challenges and Obstacles Faced by NYC Women is a report from the New York City Public Advocate published in 2003. This publication outlines some key issues such as lack of education, low median income and health problems that women may face in trying to improve their lives. Statistics are given as well.

Researchers may also refer to the City Hall Library's vertical and biographical files for a wealth of information on the unique contributions of women to New York City life.


The following publications were received by the City Hall Library in the past month. Additional government publications can be found online in our Government Publications section.

American Craft Museum. Forty years. New York: 1996.

Art at work: the Chase Manhattan collection. New York: E.P. Dutton, Inc., 1984.

Brennan Center Task Force on Voting System Security. The Machinery of democracy: protecting elections in an electronic world. New York: Brennan Center for Justice at NYU School of Law, 2006.

Bronx views: 24 ready-to-mail vintage post cards. History of the post card by Dr. Gary Hermalyn. New York: The Bronx County Historical Society, 2003.

Cannistraro, Philip V., ed. The Italians of New York: five centuries of struggle and achievement. New York: New York Historical Society and the John D. Calandra Italian American Institute, 1999.

Center for an Urban Future. Rethinking New York's street fairs. August 2006.

Center for an Urban Future. A world of opportunity: immigrant entrepreneurs have emerged as key engines of growth for cities.... [February 2007].

Citizens Budget Commission. Giving taxpayers more bang for the buck: managing for results in New York City government. November 2006.

Communities for House Equity Coalition. Hear this! The need for multilingual housing services in New York City. Report writing and research support provided by the Community Development Project, Urban Justice Center. May 31, 2006.

Community Service Society. Poverty in New York City, 2005: more families working, more working families poor. A CSS annual report. September 2006.

Community Service Society. Student characteristics and teacher certification as influences on Regents performance. By Jay Gottlieb. [2006]

Community Service Society. Unemployment and joblessness in New York City, 2006: recovery bypasses youth. A CSS annual report. February 2007.

Community Service Society. Unheard third 2006: bringing the voices of low-income New Yorkers to the policy debate. February 20, 2007.

Community Service Society. US and foreign-born low-income New Yorkers: competition or coalition?: overview. January 2007.

Domestic Workers United & Datacenter. Home is where the work is: inside New York's domestic work industry. New York, July 14, 2006.

Fiscal Policy Institute. New York State workers' compensation: how big is the coverage shortfall? Latham, NY: January 27, 2007.

Golub, Andrew, Bruce D. Johnson, and Eloise Dunlap. Smoking marijuana in public: the spatial and policy shift in New York City arrests, 1992-2003. Article published in Harm Reduction Journal, August, 2006.

Healthcare Association of New York State. Hospitals on life support: seven straight years of losses. Rensselaer, NY: January 2006.

Krantz, Les. The New York art review: an illustrated survey of the City's museums, galleries and leading artists. Chicago, IL: American References, Inc., 1988.

Metropolis found: New York is Book Country 25th anniversary collection. New York: 2003.

Museum of Modern Art. MoMA highlights. New York: 1999.

N.Y. City. City Planning, Department of. Consolidated plan 2007. Effective as of December 20, 2006.

N.Y. City. City Planning, Department of. Jamaica plan: draft environmental impact statement. CEQR No. 05DCP081Q. February 5, 2007.

N.Y. City. City Planning, Department of. New York City population projections by age/sex & borough, 2000-2030. December 2006.

N.Y. City. Commission for Economic Opportunity. Increasing opportunity and reducing poverty in New York City. September 2006.

N.Y. City. Comptroller. Affordable no more: an update - New York City's Mitchell-Lama and limited dividend housing crisis is accelerating. Policy report. May 25, 2006.

N.Y. City. Comptroller. Lesbian, gay, bisexual & transgender directory of services and resources: New York Metropolitan Area. June 2006.

N.Y. City. Comptroller. Emergency room care: will it be there? Assessing the impact of closing five emergency rooms in New York City. Policy report. December 2006

N.Y. City. Comptroller. Highway robbery: the high cost of automobile insurance in New York. Policy report. November 2006.

N.Y. City. Comptroller. A review of MTA New York City Transit "state of good repair" capital expenditures. Policy report. February 2007.

N.Y. City. Council. State of the City address, City Council Speaker Christine C. Quinn, Thursday, February 15, 2007.

N. Y. City. Taxi and Limousine Commission. 2006 annual report to the City Council. Jan. 2007.

N.Y. City. Independent Budget Office. Comparing state and local taxes in large U.S. cities. (IBO Fiscal Brief). February 2007.

N.Y. City. Independent Budget Office. Does city capital spending match the 10-year strategy? (IBO Fiscal Brief). February 2007.

N.Y. City. Interagency Coordinating Council on Youth. Annual report 2006.

N.Y. City. Landmarks Preservation Commission. Church of All Saints (Roman Catholic), Parish House and School: designation report. January 30, 2006. (Designation list no. 385).

N.Y. City. Landmarks Preservation Commission. Horn & Hardart Automat-Cafeteria Building: designation report. January 30, 2007. (Designation list 385).

N.Y. City. Landmarks Preservation Commission. St. Aloysius Roman Catholic Church: designation report. January 30, 2007. (Designation list 385).

N.Y. City. Mayor. Preliminary Mayor's management report. February 2007.

N.Y. City. Procurement Policy Board. Rules. March 2004.

N.Y. City. Procurement Policy Board. Rules. July 2005.

N.Y. City. Scaffold Worker Safety Task Force. Steps to safety: recommendations for improving the safety of workers on suspended scaffolds. December 2006.

N.Y. City. World Trade Center Health Panel. Addressing the health impacts of 9-11. Report and recommendations to Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg. [February 2007].

New York City keeps on trucking - a lot: a study of truck traffic in NYC 1998-2007. Prepared by the Office of Congressman Anthony D. Weiner, U.S. House of Representatives. January 12, 2007.

N.Y. State. Governor. New York State executive budget 2007-08: briefing book, five-year financial plan, five-year capital program and financing plan, agency presentations, economic and revenue outlook. Albany, NY: 2007.

N.Y. State. New York: 2007 state of the state. Governor Eliot Spitzer. Albany, NY: Jan. 3, 2007.

Partnership for New York City. New York & China: building a global partnership. April 2006

Randall, Willard Sterne. Alexander Hamilton: a life. New York: HarperCollins Publs, Inc., 2003.

Rebuilding of Lower Manhattan: if the rebuilding effort's progress to date is a victory in disguise, then Lower Manhattan residents say, "It's a very effective disguise indeed." A Pace Poll survey and research study. New York: Pace University. Pace Poll, July 8, 2006

Regional Plan Association. Balanced housing for a smart region: policies for addressing the housing problems of the New York Metropolitan Region. New York: July 2006.

Sex offenders near schools: a review of the sex offender database. Prepared by the Office of Congressman Anthony D. Weiner, U.S. House of Representatives.

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