According to the Encyclopedia of New York City, the first apartment
building was completed in 1869. Until the 1880’s, these kinds of
buildings were often called “French flats.” The term “apartment” became
more commonly used by the 1880’s. Apartment buildings and the living
quarters within have since become an essential part of the New York City
lifestyle and scene. Included here are just a few resources on the apartment
building and apartment living.
New York, New York: How the Apartment House Transformed the Life
of the City (1860-1930) by Elizabeth Hawes examines how the apartment house
came into its own during these years and affected the lives of city dwellers.
Starting with the buildings designed by Richard Morris Hunt, covering
the development of the Upper West Side and Fifth Avenue, and reviewing
various architects and their styles, the author offers a social and aesthetic
history of the apartment house.
Living It Up: A Guide to the Named Apartment Houses of New York by Thomas
E. Norton and Jerry E. Patterson offers an inventory, in alphabetical
order, of every apartment house with a name in Manhattan, the address
of each building and information on the origins of the name. Also featured
are five suggested walking tours and a short history of the apartment
building in the city.
Alone Together: A History of New York’s Early Apartments by Elizabeth
Collins Cromley offers an architectural history of the apartment building
from the late nineteenth to the early twentieth century. Considered are
various styles of building, how changing needs of city dwellers influenced
architectural changes, the function of the apartment building in the
expanding city and the kinds of tenants who might be living in these
Life at the Dakota by Stephen Birmingham, published in 1979, chronicles
the history of the famous apartment building located at 72nd Street and
Central Park West. Designed by Henry Hardenbergh and completed in 1884,
the Dakota became home to celebrities such as Boris Karloff, Leonard
Bernstein, Lauren Bacall and the late John Lennon. The book discusses
how the Dakota came to be built, architectural style, interiors, conversion
to co-ops and offers anecdotes about daily living and some of the unique
individuals, famous and otherwise, who lived or worked there.
Housing New York City 1999, prepared by Dr. Moon Wha Lee for the New
York City Department of Housing Preservation and Development, published
in 2002, provides a wealth of statistical information on apartment
and house rentals, vacancies, income of renters, conditions of housing,
expenditures and other issues of concern.
Vertical files on the topics of apartments and housing may also be of
interest to the user.
These are just a few examples of the fascinating material you may find
at the City Hall Library on apartment houses, a unique and important
part of city life.
The following publications were received by the City Hall Library
in the month of December. Additional government publications
can be found online in our Government
Publications section.
AKRF, Inc.
Gateway Center at Bronx Terminal Market: Final environmental impact statement.
December 7, 2005. (CEQR No. 04DMEO17X)
Cambridge Systematics.
Long Island Sound Waterborne Transportation Plan: final report executive
summary. November 23, 2005. (Prepared for New York Metropolitan Transportation
Council, et al.)
Center of an Urban Future.
Creative New York: from arts organizations to ad agencies New York’s
vast creative sector is one of the city’s most important, and least
understood economic assets. December 2005.
Drum Major Institute for Public Policy.
Principles for an immigration policy to strengthen and expand the American
middle class: a primer for policy makers and advocates. New York. [2005]
Good, Joshua and Pamela Sherrid.
When the gates open: Ready4Work. A national response to the prisoner
reentry crisis. New York: Public/Private Ventures. October 2005.
Long Island Waterborne Transportation Plan: summary presentation of
final report, November 29 and 30, 2005. (Sponsored by New York Metropolitan
Transportation Council, et al.)
N.Y. City. Civilian Complaint Review Board.
Status report. January – June 2005.
N.Y. City. Comptroller
Audit report on expenditures for other than personal services by the
New York County District Attorney’s office. December 22, 2005.
N.Y. City Comptroller
Audit report on the compliance of Telebeam Telecommunications Corporation
with section 4 of its City franchise agreement. December 2, 2005. (Report
no. 7683)
N.Y. City. Comptroller
Audit report on the financial and operating practices of the Kings County
District Attorney’s Office. December 22, 2005. (Report no. 7687)
N.Y. City Comptroller
Audit report on the financial and operating practices of the 12 Manhattan
community boards. December 13, 2005. (Report no. 7685)
N.Y. City. Comptroller
Audit report on the New York Yankees rental credits for the fourth quarter
of 2004. (October 1 – December 31, 2004). December 22, 2005.
(Report no. 7688)
N.Y. City. Comptroller
Audit report on the tax classification of real property in the Borough
of Staten Island by the Department of Finance. December 13, 2005. (Report
no. 7684)
N. Y. City. Independent Budget Office.
Adoption subsidy spending grows, but City saves. (IBO Fiscal Brief).
December 2005.
N.Y. City. Independent Budget Office
An improving fiscal climate presents new challenges. (IBO Fiscal Outlook).
December 2005.
N.Y. City. Independent Budget Office
Will the City’s property transfer taxes remain flush? (IBO Inside
the Budget). December 13, 2005.
N.Y. City. Landmarks Preservation Commission
Landmark designation: Seaman Cottage, 441 Clarke Avenue, Staten Island.
December 13, 2005. (Designation List 369).
N.Y. City. Rent Guidelines Board.
Housing NYC: rents, markets and trends 2005.
New York City Criminal Justice Agency.
Annual report on the adult court case processing of juvenile offenders
in New York City, January through December 2004. November 2005.
New York City Criminal Justice Agency.
Adult-court processing and re-arrest of juvenile offenders in Manhattan
and Queens: final report November 2005.
New York City’s Young Adult Task Force.
The time is now: implementing one system for New York City’s emerging
workforce. A working paper developed by the task force. Washington, D.C.,
National Youth Employment Coalition, November 2005.
New York County Lawyers’ Association.
New York City Housing Court in the 21st century: can it better address
the problem before it? October 2005.
N.Y. State. Attorney General.
Pennies for charity: where your money goes: telemarketing by professional
fund raisers. December 2005.
N.Y. State. Comptroller.
Review of the financial plan of the City of New York. December 2005.
N.Y. State. Financial Control Board.
November modification review: staff report. December 20, 2005.
Public/Private Ventures.
Promoting opportunity: finding from the state workforce policy initiative
on employment retention and advancement. September 2005.
Stern, Ellen.
Grace Mansion: a celebration of New York City’s mayoral residence.
New York: Rizzoli, 2005.
United States Government Accountability Office.
September 11: recent estimates of fiscal impact of 2001 terrorist attack
on New York. Report to Congressional requestors. March 2005.
Urban dynamics in New York City: a proceeding of a conference sponsored
by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, April 22, 2005. (In Economic
Policy Review, Vol. II, no. 2, December 2005)
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