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  City Hall Library Notes, August 2005


Public schools in New York City re-open in early September. In honor of the occasion, here are some publications about schools available in the City Hall Library collection. Please note that the topic is quite comprehensive. This article presents a small sampling of historical and statistical materials

The Board of Education was established in 1842. Manual of the Board of Education provides the regulations, by-laws and standards of the Board. Curricula for various grade levels are included here as well as rules on the appointment of teachers, expenditures and more. The collection includes the years 1842 to 1967. Official Directory offers a wealth of historical information on schools in the five boroughs, school boards and agency officials for the time span of 1872 to 1995.

From 1898 to 1995, the Superintendent of Schools issued an Annual Report. Often published in two parts, the reports provide useful data on enrollment, sizes of classes, attendance, promotions, school activities, personnel and more.

Class of 2000 Four-Year Longitudinal Report and 1999-00 Event Dropout Rates compiled by the Division of Assessment and Accountability at the Board of Education, tracks completion and dropout rates for high school students entering in 1996 and due to graduate in 2000. Statistical table offer data on class of 2000 status by year, types of diplomas earned, comparison of dropout rates for the last four years and similar figures. Information is analyzed and discussed and recommendations for improvement are given.

Division of Assessment and Accountability at the renamed Department of Education publishes a yearly report ranking schools by achievement in language arts. The 2003 Ranking of Elementary and Middle Schools by English Language Arts Achievement with Similar School Achievement contains rankings based on results of New York City and State English Language Arts tests. Results are offered by district and by type of school such as elementary or middle. An explanation of statistical methods and findings is provided.

110 Livingston Street Revisited: Decentralization in Action by David Rogers and Norman H. Chung examines the effects of school decentralization in New York City. This policy took effect in 1970. Various school districts were studied and interviews with parents, teachers, officials and others were conducted by the authors to assess and understand the various issues involved. Tales Out of School by Joseph A. Fernandez and John Underwood describes how Fernandez, Chancellor of the New York City schools from 1990 to1993, planned to reform and rebuild the system. Fernandez’s background and experiences are presented here. In addition, he outlines and explains some of his proposed programs such as school-based management and satellite schools.

Vertical files offer clippings, booklets, press releases and other resources on such topics as school administration, integration, courses of study, dropouts, testing and others. Find out more about the unique and varied history of education in New York City.


The following publications were received by the City Hall Library in the month of July. Additional government publications can be found online in our Government Publications section.

AKRF, Inc.
Gateway Center @ Bronx Terminal Market: draft environmental impact statement. Prepared for N.Y.C. Office of the Deputy Mayor for Economic Development and rebuilding. July 6, 2005.

International Olympic Committee.
Report of the IOC Evaluation Commission for the games of the XXX Olympiad in 2012. March 2005.

N. Y. City. Comptroller.
Audit report on NYC pensioners working for New York State after their retirement January 1, 2003 – December 31, 2003. (Report No. 7674) June 30, 2005.

N. Y. City. Comptroller.
Audit report on the billing and recording of ambulance transport fees by the Fire Department. (Report No. 7666) June 30, 2005.

N. Y. City. Comptroller.
Audit report on the controls in the New York City Housing Authority’s data center. (Report No. 7667) June 30, 2005.

N. Y. City. Comptroller.
Audit report on non-pedagogical pensioners of the New York City Department of Education working for the City after retirement, January 1, 2003 – December 31, 2003. (Report no. 7669) June 30, 2005.

N. Y. City. Comptroller.
Audit report on pensioners of the New York City’s Retirement System working for the City after their retirement, January 1, 2003 – December 31, 2003. (Report no. 7672) June 20, 2005.

N. Y. City. Comptroller.
Audit report on pensioners of the New York City Police Department working for the City after retirement, January 1, 2003 – December 31, 2003. (Report no. 7668) June 30, 2005.

N. Y. City. Comptroller.
Audit report on Department of Finance oversight of the industrial and commercial incentive program. (Report no. 7670) June 30, 2005.

N. Y. City. Comptroller.
Audit report on New York City pensioners working as consultants for the City after retirement. January 1, 2003 – December 31, 2003. (Report no. 7675)

N. Y. City. Comptroller.
Audit report on the compliance of New York Foundling Hospital, Inc., with its contracts with the Administration for Children’s Services. (Report no. 7673) June 30, 2005.

N. Y. City. Comptroller.
Audit report on the tax classification of real property in the Borough of Bronx by the Department of Finance. (Report no. 7671) June 30, 2005.

N. Y. City. Landmarks Preservation Commission.
Jamaica Savings Bank (former) designation report. (Designation list 365) June 28, 2005.

N. Y. City. Landmarks Preservation Commission.
John DeGroot House designation report. (Designation list 365) June 28, 2005.

N. Y. City. Landmarks Preservation Commission.
Plaza Hotel Interior designation report. July 12, 2005.

N. Y. City. Landmarks Preservation Commission.
Robert and Anne Dickey House designation report. (Designation list 365) June 28, 2005.

N. Y. City. Landmarks Preservation Commission.
The Windermere designation report. (Designation list 365) June 28, 2005.

N. Y. City. Public Advocate.
Acting like adults: teenagers and dating violence. July 2005.

N. Y. City. Public Advocate.
Children raising children: City fails to adequately assist pregnant and parenting youth in foster care. May 2005.

N. Y. City. Public Advocate.
A mother’s right to know: New York City hospitals fail to provide legally mandated maternity information. July 2005.

N. Y. City. Public Advocate.
Risky recreation: City fails to ensure safety at outdoor pools. July 2005.

New York Industrial Retention Network.
The little manufacturer that could: opportunities and challenges for manufacturing in New York City. May 1999.

N. Y. State. Comptroller.
New York City’s growing debt burden. July 2005.

N. Y. State. Comptroller.
Review of New York City’s financial plan for fiscal years 2006 through 2009. Report 3-2006. July 2005.

N. Y. State. Financial Control Board.
Review of FYs 206-2009 financial plan. July 26, 2005.

New Yorkers for Parks
The report card on parks 2005: an independent assessment of New York City’s neighborhood parks. 2004.

Rubenstein, Ross and Lawrence Miller
Allocating resources within a big city school district: New York City after Campaign for Fiscal Equity v. New York. Center for Policy Research, Syracuse University, 2005.

White, Andrew, et al.
Spanning the neighborhood: the bridge between housing and supports for families. Center for New York City Affairs, Milano Graduate School of Management and Urban Policy, The New School University, June 2005.

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