By Christine Bruzzese
York has always been known as a city that welcomed immigrants. Individuals
and groups arriving from all over the world have contributed to the diversity
and richness of New York City life and culture. In honor of Immigrant
History Week, April 16 to April 22, 2007, this article will highlight
some resources on this topic in the City Hall Library collection.
A Time to Remember by Marie Jastrow is a memoir of the author's
childhood and adolescence. Her family arrived in the United States from
Serbia in 1905 and settled in New York City. Jastrow tells of the poverty
and the struggles to adapt to a new land. She also remembers how the
women in her family carved out new roles as leaders and breadwinners.
The Ellis Island Immigrant Cookbook by Tom Bernardin is a compilation
of recipes from immigrants and their descendants. Recipes are listed
by country of origin. Learn how to make Italian stuffed eggplant, Danish
apple cake, Jamaican oxtail stew and other dishes. Also included is background
information on Ellis Island, plus advice on compiling and preserving
family recipes and tracing genealogy.
Quarantine!: East European Jewish Immigrants and the New York City
Epidemics of 1892 by Howard Markel tells the story of the typhus and cholera epidemics
that paralyzed the city in 1892. The typhus fever apparently originated
on a ship transporting East European Jewish immigrants to New York. The
book chronicles the experiences of the immigrants who were quarantined.
Also included are discussions of diagnosis and treatment of the ill,
actions taken by legislators and how newspapers reported on the issues
City agency publications include The Newest New Yorkers from the Department
of City Planning, published in a series of reports covering the 1980's
to 2000. Statistics on demographics and analysis of the data are presented.
This report provides comprehensive and helpful information for anyone
researching recent immigration trends.
Vertical and biographical files are other sources of information for
the researcher on the continuing contribution of immigrants to New York
City life.
The following publications were received by the City Hall Library
in the past month. Additional government publications
can be found online in our Government
Publications section.
AKRF, Inc. Phase 1A archaeological documentary study: Charleston But
Annex-Stormwater Sewer, Arthur Kill Road..., Charleston, Richmond
County, New York. Prepared for Metropolitan Transportation Authority--N.Y.
City Transit. November 10, 2006.
Aruma, Ana Maria and Andrew L. Yarrow. Compassion, concern and conflicted
feelings: New Yorkers on homelessness and housing. New York: Public Agenda,
Campaign to End Wage Theft. Protecting New York's workers: how
the State Department of Labor can improve wage-and-hour enforcement.
Recommendations from New York's community groups, immigrant advocates,
and legal assistance providers. December, 2006.
Center for an Urban Future. A thousand cuts: now more than ever, New
York needs a strong workforce development system.... February 2007.
Center for an Urban Future. Half full, half empty: children and families
with special needs. (Child Welfare Watch, vol. 13, Winter 2006-2007).
Coalition for the Homeless. Falling behind: a mid-point look at the
Bloomberg homeless plan. March 7, 2007.
Consolidated Edison Company of New York, Inc. Event preparation, recovery,
and communication: power outages in Northwest Queens, July 2006. Part
105 compliance filing by Consolidated Edison.... September 25, 2006.
[Consolidated Edison Company of New York, Inc.] Initial report on the
power outages in northwest Queens in July 2006. August 2, 2006.
Environmental Defense. All choked up: heavy traffic, dirty air and the
risk to New Yorkers. New York: March 2007.
Fiscal Policy Institute. The state of working New York 2006: an uneven
recovery - Western New York lags, and wages stay flat while productivity
rises. September 2006.
Greenhouse Consultants Incorporated. Archaeological and historical sensitivity
evaluation, 745 Fox Street, Bronx, N.Y. Prepared for the Lantern Group,
August 2006.
Greenhouse Consultants Incorporated. Phase 1A archaeological / historical
sensitivity evaluation: HANAC Senior Housing Project, Astoria, Queens,
New York. June 2005, revised December 2006.
Health Care Association of New York State. Medicaid fraud laws and proposals:
setting the record straight. March 2007.
Historical Perspectives, Inc. Phase 1B archaeological field testing:
Yeshiva of the Telshe Alumni, Campagna Mansion site, Bronx, N.Y. Prepared
for Yeshiva of the Telshe Alumni. August 2006.
Historical Perspective, Inc. Phase 1B archaeological field testing and
photo documentation ... Lemon Creek drainage area. Prepared for N.Y.
City Dept. of Environmental Protection. February 2006.
Horner, Blair, Michael Hartwell, and Arthur Levin. "Dodgeball." The
pharmaceutical companies' direct marketing to doctors and the impact
on health care costs and patient safety. Albany, NY: NYPIRG, June 2006.
N.Y. City. Comptroller. Audit report on the Department of Education
controls over universal pre-kindergarten payments to non-public schools
in Regions 6 and 7. March 21, 2007. (Report no. 7756)
N.Y. City. Comptroller. Audit report on the Department of Housing Preservation
and Development's Administration of the J-51 Tax Incentive Program.
March 22, 2007. (Report no. 7757)
N.Y. City. Comptroller. Audit report on the efficiency of the Department
of Parks and Recreation in addressing complaints related to tree removals.
March 26, 2007. (Report no. 7758).
N.Y. City. Comptroller. Audit report on the license fees due from Central
Park Boathouse, LLC, and compliance with certain provisions of its license
agreement. March 28, 2007. (Report no. 7759).
N.Y. City. Comptroller. The Comptroller's comments on the preliminary
budget for fiscal year 2008 and the financial plan for FYs 2007-2011.
March 2007.
N.Y. City. Comptroller. The MacBride principles and equality agenda
in Northern Ireland. November 2007
N.Y. City. Council. Children of Sisyphus: a modern day Greek tragedy.
An investigation into the experiences of certain lower Manhattan policyholders
with their 9/11 insurance claims. An investigation by Alan J. Gerson,
Council Member and Martin Rosenblatt, Chief of Investigations. April
N.Y. City. Council. Kick-off to a rip-off: loose laws lead to inflated
prices for Rent-to-Own consumers. March 2007.
N.Y. City. Environmental Protection, Department of. Mill Creek drainage
plan amendment: environmental assessment statement. BMP MC-1: Station
Avenue design modifications. (CEQR No.06DEP051R) March 2007.
N.Y. City. Health and Mental Hygiene, Department of. Still smoking?
Cigarettes are eating you alive. (Health Bulletin, vol. 5, no. 12). December
N.Y. City. Health and Mental Hygiene, Department of. Hepatitis B: the
facts. December 2006.
N.Y. City. Health and Mental Hygiene, Department of. Hepatitis C: the
facts. December 2006.
N.Y. City. Landmarks Preservation Commission. 159 Charles Street House,
Manhattan: designation report. Designation List 387 (LP-2211). March
6, 2007.
N.Y. City. Landmarks Preservation Commission. Keller Hotel, 150 Barrow
Street..., Manhattan: designation report. Designation list 387 (LP-2212)
March 6, 2007.
N. Y. City. Landmarks Preservation Commission. Laboratory Administration
Building, Brooklyn Botanic Gardens: designation report. Designation list
388 (LP-2214). March 13, 2007.
N.Y. City. Landmarks Preservation Commission. 23 Park Place Building,
Borough of Manhattan: designation report. Designation list 388 (LP-2217).
March 13, 2007.
N.Y. City. Landmarks Preservation Commission. 25 Park Place Building,
Borough of Manhattan: designation report. Designation list 388 (LP-2223).
March 13, 2007.
N.Y. City. Landmarks Preservation Commission. Sohmer & Company Piano
Factory Building, Borough of Queens: designation report. Designation
list 386 (LP-2172). February 27, 2007.
N.Y. City. Landmarks Preservation Commission. 354 West 11th Street House,
Manhattan: designation report. Designation list 387 (LP-2210) March 6,
N.Y. City. Mayor. Investigation by the City of New York into the northwest
Queens July 2006 power outages. March 2, 2007.
N.Y. City. Mayor's Office of People with Disabilities. Community
resource directory for people with disabilities. February 2007.
N.Y. City. Public Advocate. Waiting for help: parents of students with
disabilities find little assistance navigating New York City's
special education system. March 2007.
New York City Apollo Alliance. Repowering Gotham: state action to build
New York City's new energy economy. Convened by Urban Agenda. December
New York Civil Liberties Union. Criminalizing the classroom: the over-policing
of New York City schools. March 2007.
New York Immigration Coalition. So many schools, so few options: how
Mayor Bloomberg's small high school reforms deny full access to
English language learners. A joint report with Advocates for Children
of New York. November 2006.
New York Power Authority. Phase 1A documentary study and site history:
Red Hook Water Pollution Control Plant System upgrade, Brooklyn, N.Y.
Submitted to N.Y. City Landmarks Preservation Commission. September 2006.
New York Public Interest Research Group. Actions for change: 50 measures
the new governor can take in the first 100 days to reform New York. Albany,
NY: September 2006.
New York Public Interest Research Group. Paying the Price: the high
cost of prescription drugs for uninsured Americans. Albany, NY: July
New York rises: photographs by Eugene de Salignac from the collections
of the New York City Department of Records, Municipal Archives. New York:
Aperture Foundation, 2007.
N.Y. State. Assembly. Queens Power Outage Task Force. Concerning the
July 2006 power outage in Consolidated Edison's service territory:
report. January 30, 2007.
N.Y. State. Comptroller. Review of the financial plan of the City of
New York. March 2007. (Report 12-2007).
N.Y. State. Financial Control Board. January modification review: staff
report. March 13, 2007.
N.Y. State. Public Service Commission. Consolidated Edison Company of
New York, Inc.: report on planning for the safe and reliable operation
of the electric distribution system and the Long Island City Network.
(Case 06-E-0894) August 2, 2006.
N.Y. State. Senate. Consumer Protection Committee. Restaurants that
are enough to make you sick. An analysis of unsanitary conditions at
New York City and Westchester County restaurants.
Panamerica Consultants, Inc. Remote sensing survey of the Swinburne
Beneficial Use site in connection with the New York and New Jersey Harbor
Navigation Project.... Final report. Prepared for U.S. Army Corps
of Engineers, New York District, New York, N.Y. November 2006.
Partnership for New York City, Inc. Cities of opportunity: business
readiness indicators for the 21st Century. A joint report with PriceWaterhouseCoopers.
Stone, Linda. Draft report on pre-construction archaeological testing
and construction monitoring for new sewers ... on Governors Island,
N.Y. Prepared for Bedford Construction Co. July 12, 2006.
United Hospital Fund. Health care without borders: non-residents' use
of New York City hospitals. (Hospital Watch, vol. 17, no. 2, March 2007)
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