In honor of Immigrant History Week, April 17 to 23, 2006, this article
will highlight some resources that can be found in the City Hall Library
collection. NewYork has always been known as a city of immigrants.
Individuals and groups arriving from other parts of the world have
contributed to the diversity and greatness of the city. Some immigrants
made New York their new home while others arrived here first and then
settled in other parts of the United States.
New People in Old Neighborhoods by Louis Winnick focuses on the Brooklyn
neighborhood, Sunset Park and how recent immigrants have contributed
to reviving and strengthening the community. The book discusses new patterns
in immigration, various factors that contribute to the revival of a neighborhood,
growth and decline in Sunset Park, and future possibilities for the area.
New Immigrants in New York edited by Nancy Foner offers a collection
of essays by various scholars and experts on the affects of new immigrants
on New York City. The time period covered is 1965 to 1986. The first
chapter provides a general history of immigration to New York City from
the mid-sixties to eighties and the influence of immigrant groups on
economic, social and political life. Other essays cover U.S. immigration
policy and specific national groups.
All the Nations under Heaven: an Ethnic and Racial History of New
York City by Frederick M. Binder and David M. Reimers chronicles the experiences
of immigrant groups as they arrived in New York and became part of life
here. Beginning with the days of Dutch colonization, the focus is on
how immigrants sought to adapt to their new land while maintaining unique
social and cultural identities. Also explored are the interactions of
various ethnic and racial groups. The authors aim to show how the arrival
and settlement of immigrants transformed New York life and continue to
do so.
Immigration in New York by Elizabeth Bogen, published in 1987, studies
how the arrival of legal immigrants in New York City between 1965 and
1987 impacted demographics and city agency services. The main objective
of the book is to identify the ways immigrants use city services and
how such service providers have adapted to new immigrants to better serve
their needs. Included are social services, public education, health care,
criminal justice and the role of the Catholic Church. Fiscal indicators
such as taxes, revenue and costs of services are reviewed as well as
the growth of mass media outreach to immigrants. The author served as
Director of the Office of Immigrant Affairs in the New York City Department
of City Planning.
City agency publications include The Newest New Yorkers from the Department
of City Planning, published in a series of reports covering the 1980's
to 2000. Statistics on places of birth of immigrants, demographic and
economic characteristics, settlement patterns and naturalizations are
part of these reports along with explanatory text. This publication provides
comprehensive and helpful information for anyone researching immigration
Vertical files and biographical articles may also be of assistance in
exploring more facets of this topic. Find out more about our predecessors
who helped contribute to the diversity of New York City and the immigrants
who continue that tradition.
The following publications were received by the City Hall Library
in the month of March. Additional government publications
can be found online in our Government
Publications section.
Baruch College. School of Public Affairs.
Better city outlook despite federal policies: human services CEOs see
improved condition in New York. . . Spring 2006.
Brennan Center for Justice.
Boards of elections continue illegally to disenfranchise voters with
felony convictions. A study by the Center and Demos: A Network for
Ideas and Activities. March 2006.
Burnstein, David Eli.
Next to godliness: confronting dirt and despair in progressive era New
York City. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2006.
Child Welfare Watch.
A matter of judgment: deciding the future of Family Court in New York
City. Winter 2005-06.
Community Service Society.
Unemployment and joblessness in New York City, 2005: decline in unemployment
rate masks areas of continued weakness. March 2006.
Historical Perspectives, Inc.
Phase 1A documentary study: proposed Boricua Village Project Site, Bronx,
New York. April 2005. Prepared for AKRF, Inc.
Historical Perspectives, Inc.
Stage 1A archaeological assessment: N. Y. State Office of Mental Retardation
and Developmental Disabilities. Hillside Replacement Facilities Project.
Creedmoor Community Campus, Queens, N.Y. November 2005. Prepared for
Dormitory Authority of the State of New York.
Historical Perspectives, Inc.
Willis Avenue Bridge, Manhattan-Bronx, New York City. January 2004. Prepared
for New York City Department of Transportation. Division of Bridges
and Roadways Bridge Design.
Institute for Competitive State Government.
Capital pork: how state politicians divvy up billions for favored capital
projects. March 2006.
N. Y. City. City Planning Commission.
Draft environmental impact statement. Silvercup West. February 2006.
N. Y. City. City Planning Commission.
Rego Park Mall expansion: final environmental impact statement. July
15, 2005.
N. Y. City. City Planning, Department of.
Downtown Jamaica Redevelopment Plan: archaeological assessment report - phase
1A. Parts I and II. January 15, 2006. (CEQR NO. 05DCP081Q).
N. Y. City. City Planning, Department of.
Proposed consolidated plan: annual performance report 2005. Effective
as of March 14, 2006.
N. Y. City. City Planning, Department of.
Zoning handbook. January 2006.
N. Y. City. Citywide Administrative Services, Department of.
Civil list, 2005. (CD-ROM version. 1 disk. PDF format.)
N. Y. City. Citywide Administrative Services, Department of. Division
of Municipal Supply Services.
Environmentally preferable procurement and waste prevention annual report
for fiscal year 2004. February 2005.
N. Y. City. Comptroller.
Audit report of the financial and operating practices of the Municipal
Employees Welfare Fund of the International Union of Operating Engineers,
Local Union 15, 15A, and 15C. (Report 7694).
N. Y. City. Comptroller.
The Comptroller's comments on the preliminary budget for fiscal
year 2007 and the financial plan for FY's 2006-2010. March 2006.
N. Y. City. Comptroller.
Quarterly cash report, October-December 2005, second quarter of FY 2006.
February 2006.
N. Y. City. Conflicts of Interest Board.
Annual report 2005. 2006.
N. Y. City. Council.
Empty cupboards: New Yorkers at risk of hunger face continued barriers
to food stamp enrollment. January 2006.
N. Y. City. Council.
The eyesore next door: MTA properties are poorly maintained. A staff
report to the Committee on Oversight and Investigations and Committee
on Transportation. March 2006.
N. Y. City. Health and Mental Hygiene, Department of.
Smoking among New York City public high school students: a report from
the New York City Youth Risk Behavior Survey. February 2006. (NYC Vital
Signs, v. 5, no. 1)
N. Y. City. Landmarks Preservation Commission.
1 Pendleton Place House designation report. March 14, 2006.
N. Y. City. Management and Budget, Office of.
Capital commitment plan, fiscal year 2006. 3 vols. 2006.
N. Y. City. Management and Budget, Office of.
Geographic report: FY 2005 year end financial statement and 2006 current
modified expense budget. 2006.
N. Y. City. Management and Budget, Office of.
Community Board service program rankings for FY 2007. [2006].
N. Y. City. Management and Budget, Office of.
District resource statement: Department of Buildings. Fiscal and service
reports for fiscal years 2005 and 2006. 2006.
N. Y. City. Management and Budget, Office of.
District resource statement: Department of Environmental Protection.
Fiscal and service reports for fiscal years 2005 and 2006. 2006.
N. Y. City. Management and Budget, Office of.
District resource statement: Department of Parks and Recreation. Fiscal
and service reports for fiscal years 2005 and 2006. 2006.
N. Y. City. Management and Budget, Office of.
District resource statement: Department of Sanitation. Fiscal and service
reports for fiscal years 2005 and 2006. 2006.
N. Y. City. Mayor. Commission to Combat Police Corruption.
Ninth annual report of the Commission. February 2006.
New York City Criminal Justice Agency, Inc.
Annual report 2004. 2006.
New York Health Plan Association.
Dispelling the myths: New York's hospital finance, another view.
N. Y. State. Comptroller.
Administration of the Early Grade Class Size Reduction Program: New York
City Department of Education. March 16, 2006. (Report 2005-N-3).
N. Y. State. Financial Control Board.
January modification review: staff report. March 13, 2006.
N. Y. State. State, Department of.
Roster of county clerks. 2006.
N. Y. State. State, Department of.
Roster of county treasurers. 2006.
N. Y. State. State, Department of.
Roster of district attorneys. 2006.
N. Y. State. State, Department of.
Roster of sheriffs. 2006.
N. Y. State. State, Department of.
Roster of surrogates. 2006.
Partnership for New York City, Consortium for Worker Educ. and N. Y.
C. Central Labor Council.
Pulling together after 9/11: the Emergency Employment Clearinghouse Program.
Final Report.
2001-2004. 2005.
Private independent schools, 2005: the 58th annual edition. A comprehensive
guide to elementary and secondary schools in North America and abroad.
Wallingford, CT: Bunting and Lyon, 2005.
Public Policy and Education Fund of New York.
The great hospital heist: how New York hospitals charge the most to
those least able to pay. March 2006.
Schaller Consulting.
New York City taxi fact book. March 2006.
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