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PR- 491-05
December 29, 2005


Remarks by Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg at a Public Hearing on Local Laws

"The next set of bills before me is a package of legislation designed to significantly expand the City's procurement of environmentally preferable products. Introductory Number 534-A, sponsored by Council Member DeBlasio, Gennaro, Avella, Brewer, Clarke, Fidler, Gerson, James, Liu, Lopez, Martinez, Nelson, Palma, Quinn, Recchia, Sanders, Seabrook, Stewart, Weprin, Koppell, Moskowitz, Barron, Perkins, McMahon, Foster, Reyna, Monserrate, Yassky, Gonzalez, Gioia, Gentile, Katz, Reed, Jackson, Speaker Miller and the Public Advocate Betsy Gotbaum, provides for the designation of a Director of Environmental Purchasing to establish and implement environmental purchasing standards for the City of New York.  The bill also requires each city agency to designate an environmental purchasing officer to coordinate with this new Director. Finally, Introductory Number 534-A establishes a framework for this entire legislative package that permits the City to further important environmental goals while also preserving necessary flexibility to ensure competitive procurement of high quality goods and services.

"Introductory Number 536-A, sponsored by Council Member Gennaro Brewer, Clarke, Fidler, Gerson Jackson, James, Liu, Lopez, Martinez, Nelson, Palma, Quinn, Recchia, Sanders, Seabrook, Sears, Stewart, Vallone, Weprin, Koppell, Lanza, Moskowitz, DeBlasio, Barron, Perkins, Avella, McMahon, Foster, Reyna, Monserrate, Yassky, Gonzalez, Gioia, Gentile, Katz, Reed, Speaker Miller and the Public Advocate Betsy Gotbaum,  establishes energy efficiency standards, for products purchased or leased by the City.

"Introductory Number 544-A, sponsored by Council Member Quinn, Gennaro, Barron, Brewer, Clarke, Fidler, Foster, Gerson, Jackson, James, Liu, Lopez, Martinez, Nelson, Palma, Weprin, Koppell, Moskowitz, DeBlasio, Perkins, Avella, McMahon, Recchia, Reyna, Monserrate, Sears, Vallone, Yassky, Gonzalez, Gioia, Gentile, Katz, Reed, Sanders, Speaker Miller and the Public Advocate Betsy Gotbaum, establishes standards for eliminating or reducing the presence of certain potentially hazardous materials in products purchased or leased by the City.

"Introductory Number 545-A, sponsored by Council Member Recchia, Gennaro, Brewer, Fidler, Gerson, James, Liu, McMahon, Nelson, Palma, Quinn, Sanders, Seabrook, Stewart, Vallone, Weprin, Koppell, Moskowitz, DeBlasio, Barron, Perkins, Avella, Foster, Reyna, Monserrate, Sears, Yassky, Gonzalez, Gioia, Gentile, Katz, Lopez, Jackson, Speaker Miller and the Public Advocate Betsy Gotbaum, establishes minimum recycled content guidelines, for certain products purchased or leased by the City.

"Finally, Introductory Number 552-A, sponsored by Council Member Moskowitz, Gennaro, Quinn, Baez, Brewer, Comrie, Fidler, Gentile, Gerson, Koppell, Liu, Martinez, Nelson, Recchia, Reed, Sears, Stewart, Weprin, DeBlasio, James, Barron, Perkins, McMahon, Reyna, Monserrate, Vallone, Yassky, Gioia, Sanders, Katz Lopez, Jackson, Speaker Miller and the Public Advocate Betsy Gotbaum, establishes a pilot program to test and evaluate environmentally preferable cleaning products for use in City facilities. 

"I want to thank the Department of Citywide Administrative Services, the Mayor's Office of Contract Services, the Law Department and the City Council for their hard work and commitment to this issue."


Edward Skyler / Jordan Barowitz   (212) 788-2958

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