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January 26, 1999

Contact: Cathy DelliCarpini (718/595-6600)

Rain and Snow Raises Levels at City Reservoirs

Recent precipitation in the City's watershed has raised reservoir levels to 66.6% of capacity, New York City Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) Commissioner Joel A. Miele Sr., P.E., announced today. While this is a dramatic increase from the 51% level of earlier this month, Commissioner Miele emphasized that the reservoirs are still well below their normal level of 81 percent for this date and continued to encourage New Yorkers to conserve water.

"While January's precipitation is certainly encouraging, we need above average precipitation in the weeks ahead and continued conservation efforts by our nine million consumers to get back to normal levels. Only then can we be confident of filling the reservoirs by June 1, the traditional start of the water year, and avoid stringent conservation measures this summer. I, therefore, ask everyone to continue using water wisely."

Simple tips for conserving water include operating dishwashers and washing machines only when full, taking shorter showers or shallow baths, and sweeping sidewalks clean instead of using a water hose (which is prohibited). Other important conservation measures include fixing faucet leaks, which can waste hundreds of gallons of water every week, and reporting illegally opened hydrants to DEP's 24-hour Helpline, 718/DEP-HELP (718/337-4357).


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