Monthly Bulletin
December 2020
Commissioner’s Message |
Cecile Noel |
2020 has been a challenging year for us all. COVID-19 has changed our lives, and how we do our work. None of us could have imagined only one year ago that we would be providing services remotely under pandemic conditions. Yet, here we are after ten months and counting. Together, our community has evolved to include a remote model, where the vital safe space that we offer to survivors is preserved. COVID-19 highlights the barriers and challenges that we know keep survivors from seeking help and finding safety. As New York is on pause and social distancing, we are all adapting to a new normal—which can fill our own lives and the lives of survivors with unexpected anxiety, fear, uncertainty, and isolation. Never forget that, because of you and the work that you do every day, while New York may be on pause, hope is not on pause. We will continue to work together to find increasingly creative, unique, and impactful ways to help survivors during difficult times. I wish you and your loved ones a warm, healthy, and happy holiday season. |
You can get information on COVID-19 in New York City online, and refer to this list of Agency Suspensions and Reductions for the latest on citywide service modifications which remain in place.
The NYC Family Justice Centers (FJCs) remain available by phone to offer survivors guidance on immediate safety planning, shelter assistance, legal consultations, counseling sessions, case management sessions, community resources, and more. Survivors can call the Center in their borough on Mondays through Fridays, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.:
- Brooklyn FJC: (718) 250-5113
- Bronx FJC: (718) 508-1220
- Manhattan FJC: (212) 602-2800
- Queens FJC: (718) 575-4545
- Staten Island FJC: (718) 697-4300
After hours and on weekends, survivors can:
- Call the City's 24-hour Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-621-4673 (1-800-621-HOPE) or using TTY: 1-800-810-7444
- Visit NYC HOPE ( for additional community resources and information.
NYS HCR's COVID Rent Relief Program Expands
Homes and Community Renewal expands rent relief through February 1, 2021. Previous applicants do not have to reapply to be considered. Applications for the HCR COVID Rent Relief Program are available online at HCR.NY.GOV/RRP
NEW: Apply for NYS Address Confidentiality Program Online
The New York State Address Confidentiality Program can help victims of domestic violence and gender-based violence—such as stalking, sexual offenses, and human trafficking—protect the privacy of their home, school, and/or work addresses.
Learn more at
In January 2021, ENDGBV will be hosting events marking Human Trafficking Awareness and Stalking Awareness. Stay tuned for more information!
ENDGBV marked 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence with our partners in virtual events, as well as illuminating key city buildings and other locations in orange. With local partners and the larger global community, we raised awareness about the far-reaching consequences of GBV between November 25 (the International Day to End Violence against Women) and December 10 (the International Human Rights Day). We observed 16 Days of Activism virtually this year, with runs, marches, trainings, panels, and art exhibits. |
We were honored to work with Jasmine Castillo of the Escape Artists Collective to present the work of NYC artists at our third—and first ever, virtual—art exhibit. Almost 140 attendees joined us at “CONNECT. CARE. CREATE: HEALING COLLECTIVE TRAUMA THROUGH ART,” to explore our communities, healing, and survivorship. Check out our social media for more from the exhibit! |
This year, we dedicated our celebration of the 2020 Advocates of New York to our beloved colleague, the late Anabella Escobar, Executive Director of Manhattan FJC—for her calm, centered presence and her tremendous advocacy.
And we thank our partners for lighting up orange in support of survivors!
- City Hall
- Gracie Mansion
- David Dinkins Municipal Building
- 1 World Trade Center
- Bank of America Tower
- 4 Times Square
- Coney Island Parachute Jump
- Brooklyn Borough Hall
- Barclays Center
- Staten Island Borough Hall
- Queens Borough Hall
Connect with us for more you can do now, after the end of 16 Days of Activism! |
The NYC Test & Trace Corps gets New Yorkers tested for COVID-19 and provides resources to those testing positive, including free temporary isolation housing at hotels for people who do not require medical care and are unable to isolate where they live. The Corps are committed to protecting the privacy and security of New Yorkers’ personal and health information to the maximum extent permitted by federal, state and city law. NYC H+H is also offering Express COVID testing that can provide results in 24 hours. Learn more about testing, or find out if you are in a COVID-19 zone |
NYS has extended the Special Enrollment Period for uninsured New Yorkers through January 31, 2020. New Yorkers can apply for coverage through New York State's health insurance marketplace, or directly through insurers.
NYC Care health coverage is available to all New Yorkers If you cannot afford or are not eligible for health insurance, you can enroll to access comprehensive and affordable primary, preventative, and specialized health care at NYC H+H hospitals. Call 646-NYC-CARE (646-692-2273) or visit a NYC H+H location to enroll.
Disclaimer: We believe in the principles of open dialogue and considering varying perspectives. Viewpoints or opinions expressed in the content of this communication or in articles linked do not necessarily reflect the positions or policies of the Mayor’s Office to End Domestic and Gender-Based Violence, or the City of New York.
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The Office to Combat Domestic Violence (OCDV) is now the Office to End Domestic and Gender-Based Violence. Find out more at