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Southern Manhattan Public Workshop

Host: NYU

Workshop date: March 19, 2013

Residents attended to provide on-the-ground insight that helped our Community Rebuilding and Resiliency Team develop a deeper understand of the priorities and challenges of Southern Manhattan.

Overall, out of the public workshop and various task force and other meetings attended by SIRR staff in the spring of 2013, several priorities for SIRR in Southern Manhattan clearly emerged:

  • The importance of protecting critical infrastructure – power, transit, telecommunications – from outages;
  • The importance of protecting residential buildings and their vulnerable populations from building system outages;
  • The importance of protecting retail and commercial businesses from flooding;
  • The importance of improving infrastructure to prevent future events from having widespread impact; and
  • The importance of strengthening post-event communication, including backup communication measures.

Did you miss the workshop or do you have your own photos to send us? Please do so here.

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